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January 2025

in Lifestyle

Yoga Rereat

Day 1 : Discovery

Ask questions and check in with yourself how are you feeling today ? How is your physically and mentally? And why do you decide to join yoga retreat ?

I believe that the purpose of life is to be Happy and Love. The reason I choose to do “Yoga retreat” with Boho Beautiful because I would like to learn the way to find the true deeper connection of my inner soul. As what we all serch in life is Success, The value of life, The true meaning of living life. To meet people and share love and beautiful memories together.

I would also like to learn about myself with the authentic self about what is the most important things that could make me happy and improve myself to be a better vision of myself. Therefore I could share Love and Bring more Positivity into this world by sharing a beautiful energy and time from giving myself Love and Care from practicing Yoga and meditation.

It’s one of the best thing that we could do for ourself or could give and share the true authentic energy of your kind heart to the person that you Love or anyone. I truly believe that Yoga retreat will help me to find Peace and Calmness for my mind and to feel Happy within my heart and Soul.

Day 2 : Self Awareness

Open your heart and Be the watcher of your thought. Go deeper asking yourself how are you feeling today ? Are you feeling blissful or frustrated? “Happy and grateful”And what is it that you need to let go of Negativity With that self Awareness check in with yourself again how was that feeling went ?

Yoga retreat with Boho beautiful give me a chance to be with myself and find myself in a deeper inner soul. The energy when I do the retreat, the positive words, the beautiful soft voice, the peaceful environment. Every things is connected. Body, Mind and Soul. I love the way I could check with myself deeper besides practicing a yoga session in the morning and practice a meditation to re-connect with myself to have peace in my mind in the evening.

Another good things is that I could practice at Home which is very convenient. I could do whenever I want. Yoga retreat is one of the best way for me to improve myself to have more positive energy. To help training my mind to be more focus and It helps me to clear with my mind and always to watch my thought to be more positive, so I could feel great, smile, laugh or whatever feeling that make me feel alive.

I love the phrase “ No matter where you are, you are exactly where you need to be “ Trust the process of your journey. Yoga retreat helps me to find the right answer for myself. Be more authentic self and be better in Life.

Day 3 : Acceptance

Ask questions how are you feeling today ? After the exploring process and discovery about yourself. Are you feeling happy or frustrated today ? And what is the cause of it ? And what will you do to make you feel better ?

I am grateful for my journey. Boho beautiful meditation help me to understand better how to train my thoughts to be positive, the beautiful kind words help me to feel the energy of blissful. The phrase “Accept that no matter where you are, you are exactly where you need to be in your journey. I have to learn to accept and love my self more even that is the last thing I will ever do to my self.

When I do yoga retreat. It also help me to check in with myself deeper with the authentic power deep in my soul. I will keep training my mind to be more stronger. Be the watcher of my thoughts to be as positive as possible. So that I can control my energy which I believe that it’s connected with the true feeling that come from deep inside my soul. With that said I trust that the power of Love and Positivity is the key that will help me to have a Positive thoughts and Happy energy. And Not welcome Negative thought, energy or ego.

Moreover, I will try to see the good and positive in everything and learn to believe that deep down people are good. Not because everything or everyone is good. But I want to see the good in everything. Try to understand about human life so that I can accept more about other people too. Therefore I can also love and care about myself more as well. So I can be the person who will choose how I am going to feel and be in control of what the feeling that I want to have and apply that to use with my everyday life with all the things or whatever situations that will happen.

Finally I could feel peaceful in my mind, Love in my heart, beautiful energy in my soul and be happy in my life.

Day 4 : Duality

Today we will dive deeper into the idea of duality. The yin-yang ( Balance )of our life. Ask questions for yourself how are you feeling today ? Do you have a peaceful day or not ? And how will you do to be able to welcome happy and peace come in to your life ?

After process of discovery myself and self awareness I know how to control my feeling and energy. For my next journey I will try to improve myself living a better life by listening, training my mind, my thoughts and to be able to control them to be more kind , beautiful and strong heart, to set my soul on fire and connect with the power of my unbreakable spirits.

The guide for my life journey I will inspire myself to see the good and meaningful things for my life more and more in every second of living life as much as possible if I could by choosing Love and kindness to be the goal to improve for my deeper inner heart and soul. However I have to be in control of the mindfulness as well because it’s a must.

Without a peace in my mind. It is not easy to listen and follow what my heart and soul want to tell me. I will do whatever for my life to make me HAPPY. Spend time for myself to make myself happy and also spend time with the person that is good for my mind and my mental health. The person that will reduce stress, not causing more. Choose those who can lift me up. I will see the good in every things by choosing Positivity and Not Negativity.

Living life and do things of my own way, Be myself and focus more on the good. Do whatever if it’s best for me and the person that love me and give me love. Go deeper, transform further. I will look after myself, eat well, live well, Do exercise to have a strong body, strong mind, strong heart and strong life. Be more happy. Invest on something that is good for my life. Believe in myself, Trust myself and also letting myself go to be more wiser, happier more and more each day and each every second of my life.

Day 5 : Power

Ask question how are you feeling today ? After the process of knowing yourself deeper. What will you do to use your power to make you have peace and be happy ?

Today is about exploring a different variation of balance, knowing to control, train the energy, thought and emotion or feeling so that i could bind them together as one with Love and Positivity I believe that each everyone of us is powerful. We have the power that give us strength to speak to our self but sometime we have to find the way to control with them. I have to hold it together for myself so that we could be more stronger within my mind, heart, and soul.

Connect with fire energy of my inner heart and soul. The power that each everyone of us has. I believe it’s called “authentic power” that Oprah Winfrey also mention that is your power that will help us to find who we really are. To be able to find our self deeper. We have to use 3 different power and energy within us. It will help us to connect with the true authentic feeling and energy deep inside you which is Heart, Body and Soul. So we have to connect with their energy which is The power of Positivity, The Power of Love, The power of our soul.

Positivity give us a lot of opportunity. It’s one of the most important things for us to live life with a positive thought. Great health and energy will help us to be able to do many other things in a different opportunity of our life that we want to do. If you have a bad health and negative energy. It will be a problem for you to live life. The negative energy stop us from having emotion for doing so many other activity for example Anger, sadness, stress will cause us a negative energy, thoughts and might lead us to do so many crazy things that make us Not happy.

The power of Positivity give us energy that stay inside. It helps us to think positive and help us to control with the power of our mind to be free and finally we could connect deeper to our heart and soul. The Power of Love give us an opportunity to Love our self and we could also share love to other as well. We could do many things that make us happy.

The power of our Soul. It comes from deep inside your heart and soul when you connect with ourself deeper for example Yoga and meditation to give us Love and care for our body and mind. It also helps us to have a peaceful mind, positive thoughts, great health and energy which will lead us to have a Happy life.

Day 6 : Focus

To bring more focus and strength of the balance between the body and mind. To finally be more stronger and finally I could find peace and happy within my heart.

After the process of learning, exploring, training and controlling. I will be focusing with my life in a better way. Plan and try to reach my next goal. Improve myself more each day in every way. Never stop learning and be the best version of myself. More positive thinking, Connect with my mind, heart and soul. Be the watcher of my thought deeper. And so I could finally learn and control the way of doing everything right and have balance in my life beautifully.

Make the most of everything in life as time is so precious. Be more and more positive thinking, Be more kind speaking and finally doing everything right to myself and to other people as the quote “ Treat other people the way you want to be treated” Be happy as much as possible. Have a peaceful In my mind and Love myself more and could spread more Love into this world.

I will be focusing more of my Health and Energy by 1. taking care of myself more physically and mentally. 2. To love more so I have no room for Hate. 3. Gratitude by being grateful for what i have and make it top value so I could be happy for what I have. 4. Give More Love , More Respect and more kindness. 5. Have the Integrity ; by trying to do the right things. 6. Giving ; know the value of giving to other. 7. Growth ; Be better and enjoy more in life. 8. Peace ; by belong alone and being in bliss. 9. Family ; build a better connection and relationship with family and friends. 10. Family ; Be thankful, learn to love other and know what I am doing. Feel it within the heart.

Finally be present and be happy in everything. Be thankful for every situation and everyone that come into my life. Learn more of human life and Be grateful for my life journey.

Day 7 : Gratitude

Asking questions how are you feeling today ? Does your mind still wondering around or you already in the state peace of mind ? What will you do to be more grateful of your life ? Thank you for myself and learn to forgive myself.

Gratitude is one of the things that will help me feel happy with my life, feel grateful with the little things that could be thankful for, the good, the bad, the low, the high, the problem, everyone and everything that happens and came in my journey. I will Look for the positive way how to look in life. And continue to welcome more Love, Happiness, and Joy.

Choose Love, kindness and passion to be the guide of living life with positivity. NOT Negativity so I could open my heart to the Universe and accept everything in my journey. Learn to accept and love myself for even its the last things that I want to do. Beautiful and Wonderful. Bring awareness to my heart, Happy and Healthy. I am so grateful for having my family who always Love and support me. The real true LOVE feeling and energy that I always have since I was born.

Especially the Love from my parents who raise me well. My mother was the person who always taught me to be good person and accept for who I am. I am sure the Love from my father would be the same as a parents even I’m not very close to him. But I will accept love and everything about him. My biggest lesson about Love that taught me was “Time is precious” after my mother passed away. I just want to do my best for myself and my Family. Live the life that I hope my mother would be proud of me.

To be the best of me for my life and for my family. Do the good and the right things as much as I could. I am so thankful for what I have. I will try to follow my mother foot step as a strong women and very kind person. Be happy with the simple beautiful things in life. Bring back all the great memories that my mother taught me when I was very young kids. So that I could feel Love and to know that my mother spirit always here with me all the time.

One day I look back I could be happy and feel the gratitude for my life my journey that I have come so far so I should be grateful for. I am so happy with everything in my life. The power of Love and Positivity that will help and guide me through this journey. I am so thankful for the universe that brought me to be here today. I am blessed, I am loved and I am so happy.

in Growth Mindset


Brushing The Old and Bad Habits

Be happy, fresh yourself up to feel good, look good and have a fresh new start because the only time you have is now and every breath is a gift. Be kind and be patient to yourself, to your breath and to your life.

Love and respect yourself and others so you can share happiness to others, as long as you still breathing you can give yourself a chance to love and live again and be better for yourself and for family, for the people that love and support you.

Be in love with yourself, with your life again and again by making the most important and beautiful moments and always choose love above anything and be very positive so you can think of doing a good meaning things for yourself and for the world.

Make peace and love become your first priority for yourself and for others so live fully with love and kindness of every day and every moments.

Mindfulness Become Priority

Control your thoughts, your mind, and your emotion, learn the way to control your mind, your thoughts and emotions by being the watcher of your thoughts and be a good observer and more focusing on the good energy and choose only positive thoughts.

You are alive, be blessed and be grateful, be opened, be free and express love, positivity and kindness more into this world.

Be In Love with Yourself

Find the way to live your life in the best way you can to be happy as much as possible and to connect to yourself deeper by following and listening to your heart, enjoy the fun, beautiful feeling, loving energy to the beautiful music by listen to love or encouragement song for your inspiration and motivation, sing for your life to stand up for your love in  your specialty and unique way, learn to connect to your beautiful soul by practicing all the best possible way to reach your goal and be your own lovable and kindest soul master.

Be well for your own goodness, be serious with a good sense of humor and at the same time be like until you learn and let go more to enjoy life and be like “oh well well well, my goodness “

Finding balance with beautiful, confidence within yourself, be happy and enjoy your beautiful moments in life and memories because sometime we don’t realize the value of our life time until it become a memory.

Welcome happy and positive energy to start and end your day always. Be free, fun, share love and laugh, be soft and strong, be naughty or playful and also be nice for your positive life and for your pleasure time with strong emotional and your passionate life with a beautiful mind and spirit.

Be thankful and be grateful for happy peaceful and beautiful energy to end your day

Be Kind to Yourself and Others

By being more kind to your mind and be more positive as much as possible, be strong as the state of mind by doing and practicing mindfulness to learn and find the way to free from that no longer serve you and be free all the sufferings in life as much as you can.

Time is precious and limit, we are so blessed for our life so we always must be happy and positive with very mindful in every breath. So we can be the best version of our self, to do more good things for our family and the people who come to our life that love and support us.

Learn to be useful and be a volunteer for the society and for the world before one day we leave this world so try to do everything that could help and to have more peace in this world.

Be very kind to each other, respect one another, always forgive more so we could live life more harmony and create a peaceful world.

Stay Away from Negativity

In Life, there are no accidents, every person who come into your life for a reason, a lesson or a blessing. Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your things and work hard. The right people, the one who really belong to your life will come to you and stay. Negative people are usually very committed to be negative and the more you push them to be anything else. The more they will push back. They have problems with every solutions. This is not true for all situations. But every things in life we need to apply with a common sense.

The point is you should limit your time with the people who drain your positive energy and add no value Into your life. This doesn’t mean you show no compassion towards other. Live with compassion, Live with empathy. Put yourself in other people’s shoes. Do all that as a standard human being. Keep your life away from the drama and negativity that is not who are. If you are attempted to stay away from it you have to move on. They will get you to a better place. And no one will get there if they are not ready.

Don’t let anyone drain your positive energy. Energy doesn’t discriminated. If you put your life with negative people, your life will be negative. Do not let them suck your energy. Focus on what is good and you will see more good. More good will grow. You are what you spend time by choice. What you consume, will consume you. Your friend are a great reflection of you because you choose them. So Choose wisely.

Surrounded Yourself With Uplifting People

The people in your life should be reducing stress, not causing more of it. If you consider yourself to be a positive person and want to live your best life. Surround yourself with positive people. Surround yourself with people who see the good in the world and make you feel good for being yourself. By doing so you will see more good come into your life too. You will attract more good.

Say Thank you for all the toxic people in your life. Thank you for the lesson, for the blessing. If they are not appreciated you, they show you how to not treat others. If they let you go, they show you how to move on. They show you that you are more than a relationship. Be yourself. Your soul are not attached to another. If anyone make you feel unworthy, they show that no one could take the life from you long term. They gave you strength and character.

Embrace More Self-Love and Let Go of Self-doubt

Don’t let anyone stop you from being you from loving and living life fully. Don’t let anyone stop you from the greatest self. Lastly ask yourself honestly, what kind of person you are to those surround you ? Are you lifting them up or drain their energy ? Are you adding value into their life or making it worse ? Remember you can not have a positive life with negative mindset.

Be kind to other, kindness is one of the things that will help us to make this world a better place. We should forgive more Instead of judging one another. Say Thank you whoever come into your life. Every person who has saved your life. Those who came to teach lesson and those who are real blessings to help you to become the best version of yourself today.By listening to your heart and soul without any criticism and find more self-love and let go of self-doubt.Learn to live life as simplicity and very humble person as much as possible, and to have balance between a human world and Dhamma world.

Enjoying everything in life as much as possible and expressing yourself with positive energy always.Mindfulness is the best way to learn and love yourself, to have peaceful and calmness for your spiritual beautiful life.Learn the art of living by being a positive sample so this world would be more happy world.

Balance Is Very Important

Find balance for yourself and learn to let go so you can have a healthy mind, happy mood and good sense of humor. Balance between mindfulness and my goodness.

Be confident, clear and loving, Remember you are here and you have a purpose in life so live life fully and always start and end your day with positive thoughts because it can change the way you look at things and the things you look can change too.

Do what make you more happy and be with the person who make you smile, once the smile is on and the worries are gone, laugh as much as you breath because laughing is good medicine and one of the best healing energy so laugh more worry less and it’s matter knowing your value, you are worthy, strong and powerful.

Stay positive always, beautiful and wonderful

Throughout every day life there are many circumstance and situations that may leave us feeling lost, unsettled and even deeply feeling anxious through ourselves. When we become overwhelmed this type of energy, we become restless and even frustrated to the fact that we are unable to ground ourselves and still the body and mind.

It’s normal reaction and surely everyone of us has experience this type of emotion or stress at some point in our life. It’s important to be conscious and fully aware that this emotion arise, so that we can learn to train our mind to deal with them in a peaceful and healthy matters.

We can not control what life presents us with. However what we do have is how we react to those situations. There is no point to allow the negative situations to effect our physical and mental being. With time there will always be some kind of solution to a problem. But if we allow them to effect us in a deeper energetic way, they will hurt our health and mental being so much.

Trust that you guided with divine energy  of love and everything that come your way, good or bad it’s just part of the extraordinary journey of life. So breath, smile. Everything will be OK at the end and it’s it’s not ok it’s not the end.

Always Find Joy and Fun

Find your own special way to love and entertain yourself, learn to talk to yourself and make yourself laugh in front of the mirror in the possible way to enjoy and have fun with yourself as much as possible.

Be who you are and say how you feel always because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter. Enjoy every moments of living.

Follow your heart and trust your instincts, believe in magical with positive mindset, have self-control. And the most important is to always have faith in yourself, to the person you love like family.

Listen To Your Heart and Soul

Learn to listen to your inner voice and save your beautiful mind, kind and loving mind by being your town psychologist optimism, to love more and heal yourself from mental health issues like being your own psychology therapist and do everything you can to love and accept yourself with confidence.

Be present in the here and the now. All we have is now, not yesterday not tomorrow, don’t give up on love to yourself and others.

Spread kinder love and be brave to share love and be kind to one another by listening to one another deeply with love and care.

Heal Your Body And Mind

Learn to love and heal your body by finding your own special way or treatment, to train and heal your physical health for a strong healthy body, be your own “special doctor” to select all the good nutrition and many others  good nourishment.

Find your own way to spread more love and positivity to others and to the world, share your happy travel moments, beautiful fun journey or funny stories and be brave to share your beautiful life story that it might inspire others.

Keep Learning and Keep Growing

Always keep learning and transform yourself in the best possible way. Learn the best way to enjoy and communicate by being good to others nicely and beautifully with a good manners and respect.

Find your own way to achieve your life purpose and to be the best version of yourself and give courage to yourself by whispering “ the best is yet to come “
