A story begins with my travel journey. By each morning I love to start my day to do yoga & meditation. it’s the time that I could give myself love for my body and welcome positive energy for my soul. And then doing a meditation to release negative energy so I could feel peace within my mind.
Before I start my day, practicing yoga, it’s the perfect time that I could be with my self. And doing meditation at the end of my day, its great time to reconnect with deeper inner self for showing an appreciation and acceptance for what I have achieved. Yoga & meditation is also one of the best healing process. Yoga heal the body, Meditation heal the mind. Yoga helps me for healing my back injury. It’s so amazing to know that our body could heal itself however we have to give time and love of self care for our body which is a vehicle to life.
I’m so thankful for the universe that brought me to walk into this path and helped me improving and become a better version of myself. I am so grateful for this journey that I have learned yoga and meditation from one of the most well-known and very professional YouTuber called “Boho Beautiful” They are so great with what they do and the are very positive beautiful people which helped me learning yoga with Love and Positive energy.
For this journey, I would like to show my love and gratitude that I have for yoga and meditation. I hope that my website could help to spread more Love and Positivity to people’s heart, or bring joy and happiness to make someone’s smile, and hopefully could bring more peace into this world. As I believe that a purpose of life everyone wants to be Happy.
So let’s choose yoga and meditation to be the way to welcome a soul of Love, a mind of stillness, a being of light and a heart of Peace.

Let’s live life and choose Love and Positivity
Oyaya (O-ya-ya) is the sound or expression of your true beauty from deep within side your beautiful soul and share the moments of laughter, happiness and freedom for yourself and everyone who you can share positive, happy energy with and have a good sense of humor to life with meaningful life purpose and clarity.
Lalaland is the land to be, to welcome happy, joy, fun, positive people with positive energy and it’s the place to let go of everything that does not serve you, and to welcome to everything that make you smile and happy while trying to stay away from anything that holding you back and bringing you down.

Our Goal
To spread Love and Light to the people around the world. Live life and spread love and positivity, enjoy each moment, making the most memorable beautiful moments and memories. Learn more each day to have compassion and integrity for humanity.
Be authentic, Be truly you, Be different, Be creative, Be awesome, Be great, Be the best version of yourself, Be Happy with your life, Be in Love with your heart, Be kind to your soul, Be true to yourself. Be your own light as a candle light up another candle to be shining like a candle light up in the darkness. To shine bright like a diamond, shine bright like a star, shine bright as you are.

Our Vision : Live / Love / Laugh / Listen / Learn / Lift / Light ( Confident, Clear and Loving )
Live : Live well, welcome love, positivity and kindness.
Love : Love very well with an unconditional love, more love, more positivity, more kindness, more understanding, more forgiveness, more happiness.
Laugh : Well-Well-Well because laughing is a medicine and good healing, more laughter, more relax, more happiness, more positivity, more kindness with joyful and fun energy.
Learn : So well, go deeper to the connection of your kind heart, a strong and positive mind with a beautiful energy and be very mindful.
Let go : By letting go from all that no longer serve you, learn to be more mindful so it will help you to let go from the past and move on the better version of you.
Listen : Oh well – be very soft and sweet, good and wise listener to your heart and soul, deep listening to others from your beautiful kind heart and be very smart with the brain, always have a happy, love and kind beautiful heart, deep listening practice by focusing on positive thoughts.
Lift : Very very well. Lift yourself and others up in mental state of mind with positive happy attitude, choose to give more love and be more find to yourself and others.
Light : Absolutely Very well, to be the best version of yourself by being mindful always and have wisdom in life, be the light you wish to see in this world, be the happy energy you want to attract, be the best version of yourself, be beautiful, loving, kind soul with an unbreakable happy peaceful spirit.
Our Mission
To welcome love, joy, peace, and positivity, to be inspired by, to listen, to reach out, to life others, to share happiness moments, to support yourself and others.
To live now, not in the past or in the future and let go of all negativity, ego, sadness, stress, hate, anger, bitter. To enjoy life as much as possible, whatever make you smile and happy, keep it, whatever make you anger and mad, leave it.

The Things we can do to be happy and focus on
1. Yoga : Stretching, healing your body for a strong, healthy body.
2. Meditation : Talking positive self-talk therapy and Love meditation of how to love and find yourself deeper connection, welcome positive energy, sitting meditation, walking meditation, praying meditation for inner peace and healing your beautiful peaceful mind.
3. Music : To enjoy the feeling of Loving, Happy, having positive vibe, healing with love and give encouragement or courage by listening to a beautiful song for a loving, happy energy, listen to a beautiful love song, inspiration song and just sing your heart out and dance like no one watching.
4. Nature : Nature healing, doing gardening activity, herbs healing, getting the real fresh air because oxygen give life.
5. Animal Lover : Feeling the real loving, beautiful, happy energy of love, an unconditional love from animal like dogs, birds, and many other animals.
6. Exercises : Breathing exercises by learning to breath correctly which will help to have a strong lung and good immune system and also to help you having a peaceful mind, clam and relaxing energy. And you can do a small jock in the garden which will perfect for an outdoor exercise because the fresh air and relaxing environment.
7. Learning Buddha mindsets to have mindfulness and wisdom which is very important and it’s the key to have a successful meaningful of living and fulfilling life’s purpose and also learning to develop life lesson from negativity into opportunity and growth.
8. Learning to have a good emotion and good attitude by staying humble, if you stumble make it part of dance move to find balance and letting go and go with the flow to find love and you can lift yourself and others up.
9. Learning of letting go and learn to forgive more, learn to have fun and enjoy life each day and each moments because time is limit and no turning back so be very careful with time and money by using it in a good way to benefit for you and to learn and grow every day.
10. Learn to be happy : By finding a happy start and happy ending activity and moments during the day. Always remember no one or nothing is perfect but we can make everything perfect in our own way and our version, Sharing a good, soft hugs to yourself and to others, to be more kind to yourself and to others.