Spiritual Awakening

My Spiritual & Meditation Practice.
It is the time that give me a chance to be with myself and find myself in a deeper inner soul. The energy when I do the practice , the positive & relaxation environments, the beautiful natures & the peaceful surrounded by mountains. Every things is connected. Body, Mind and Soul. I love the way I could check with myself deeper by practicing sitting meditation, walking meditation in the morning and practice an evening meditation to re-connect with myself to have peace in my mind.
Another good things is that I could practice at Home which is very convenient. I could do whenever I want. Spiritual & Meditation practice is one of the best way for me to improve myself to have more positive energy. To help training my mind to be more focus and It helps me to clear with my mind and always to watch my thought to be more positive, so I could be still and calm in the mind and soul.
I love the quote ” No matter where you are, you are exactly where you need to be “ Trust the process of your journey. Meditation helps me to find the right answer for myself. Be more authentic self and be better in Life.
#Love and light #Spiritual Practice #Meditation journey #Peace and positivity #Mahabodhi temple

Practicing Meditation To Welcome Peace and Positive energy before starting and ending the day!
Our body and mind are a vehicle to life. Giving yourself a permission to put self care as a priority in your life, to be the idea to embrace our life. To be letting go all no longer serve us. Any worries, stress that you might be feeling within you and making room to welcome positive and loving energy.
Bring your awareness to negative energy and consciously making a choice to let it go. Once negative energy or thoughts entering into our minds, the ego love to swim in it, direct it or develop upon it. The reality is whatever happen, happens Now or the Pass. Situations or moments in our life. We feel like we have done everything we could possibly to fix it or deal with it. We must find the strength within us to shake it off and mentally walk away.
To not allow the negativity to effect us mentally or even physically but instead consciously change our thoughts patterns with awareness by welcome positive thoughts we will be slowly starting to refuse the negativity. Bring love and gratitude will heal your mind and negative thoughts patterns. We are in control of our thoughts and we can obtain the power of how much we are willing to allow them to effect us.
So Let’s decide to let go everything that may be bothering us or not allow us to find peace in our mind. Making a decision to release like releasing a rock into the ocean. Watching it slowly sink lower and lower and completely out of sites. Let’s use this moment to frequently of our thoughts to welcome Love, Positivity and Gratitude. Bring energy of gratitude into your heart. Feel grateful for being alive, for being well.
Appreciation and gratitude is such a very important part of our mental well-being. So as you go on about your day. Pay attention to those little things that make you feel grateful for all the wonderful things in your life that make you smile every days, no matter how little they are. Just allow feeling of happiness and gratitude feel your heart and feel the rest of your body with Love, peace, positivity.
#Mindfulness journey #So blessed and grateful #Once ina life time #Mahabodhi temple

What would I do to find more PEACE & LOVE for myself ? What can I do to improve myself to be the best version of myself ?
1. Finding the way to connect my body and my mind to be as one so I could have the three energies of mindfulness, concentration, and insight which will bring joy and peace into every moment of my daily life by practicing coming home to your body. With the practice of mindfulness, every breath brings happiness. Mindfulness can make every moment of our life peaceful, clear and loving. We have to apply it in our daily lives. “Breathing in, I feel joy” is the autosuggestion or wishful thinking ; it’s a practice.
2. Training my mind to be strong, be present. Not worry, Not wandering. Enjoy living life in the present Here and Now : The land of present moment is available only in the Here and the Now. If you find yourself in the present moment, it means your mind and body are together.
3. Practice myself to do walking meditation, sitting meditation, eating meditation so I could be mindfully living life as much as I could. Mindfulness is the energy that helps the body and the mind come together. When doing the meditation it helps to bring the mind and the body back together, that moment you are established in the present moment, in the kingdom, in the here and the now.
4.Learn to practice deep meditation by practicing and focusing the concentration of in-out breathing. When we breathe. We bring our attention to our in-out breath ; we release everything and we get a lot of freedom. With that kind of freedom, we can make better decisions. Our thoughts and our decisions are not skewed by our anger, fear, sorrow or regret. Mindfulness helps you to recognize that there are more than enough conditions to be happy right here and now. When you are in touch with these conditions, joy and happiness are possible right away.
#Wisdom #Spiritual awakening #Pray for peace #Listen to the universe #Black Buddha Nalanda

Beautiful meditation For Inner Peace.
Meditation help me to understand better how to train my thoughts to be positive, the beautiful kind words help me to feel the energy of blissful. The Quote “Accept that no matter where you are, you are exactly where you need to be in your journey. I have to learn to accept and love my self more even that is the last thing I will ever do to my self. When I do meditation. It also help me to check in with myself deeper with the authentic power deep in my soul.
I will keep training my mind to be more stronger. Be the watcher of my thoughts to be as positive as possible. So that I can control my energy which I believe that it’s connected with the true feeling that come from deep inside my soul. With that said I trust that the power of Love and Positivity is the key that will help me to have a Positive thoughts and Happy energy. And Not welcome Negative thought, energy or ego.
Moreover, I will try to see the good and positive in everything and learn to believe that deep down people are good. Not because everything or everyone is good. But I want to see the good in everything. Try to understand about human life so that I can accept more about other people too. Therefore I can also love and care about myself more as well. So I can be the person who will choose how I am going to feel and be in control of what the feeling that I want to have and apply that to use with my everyday life with all the things or whatever situations that will happen.
Finally I could feel peaceful in my mind, Love in my heart, beautiful energy in my soul and be happy in my life.
#Meditation for peace #Deep mindful practice #Letting go #Love and light #Buddhametta in Mahabodhi temple

Start every morning with “Thank You”
If you start you day with the genuine Thank you. You’re most likely in your day to be thankful for. Everything you do from the moment you wake up is a habit. Habit from your past, habit from by your applications. Good or Bad. What habit do you want to create ? and what habit do you want to eliminate? What habit will lead you to a better life? What habit will lead you to your best life ?
Start your day with Exercise, Gratitude, Meditation, Cold shower, correct nutrition, Breathing exercise, Affirmation. It’s all come down to self discipline. Do it daily, Do the things that happy and positive people do. It won’t take long before the quality of your life start to improve. Are you willing to change your habit to something better ?
How you see the world is our world. Choose positive habit every morning to ensure you have a better mindset throughout the day. A mindset that capable of responding positively to a challenging people and challenging event. Start your day feeling blessed. Feeling blessed with all the great things in your life. Start your day in peace. Really feeling that peace and clam by practicing meditation. Start your day with purpose. Purpose from writing and reviewing your goals and mission of your day and your life. Start your day strong with getting some exercise, start your day with positive that will absolutely create a positive mind and of course a positive life.
Thank you for this new day. Thank you for every opportunity a day to experience Love. Thank you every hugs, every smile, Thank you for joy. Thank you ease, thank you love, thank you inner peace. Thank you for abundance. Thank you for connection. Thank you for humanity. Thank you for powerful positive solutions. Thank you for guiding me, thank you for flowing through me. Thank you for blessing me.
#Beautiful spiritual journey #Happy peaceful life #Wonderful opportunity #Ganges River

Principle to Live by for Success and Happiness.
Knowing one day you will be gone : who knows ? maybe in 50 years, 50 weeks, maybe next week or even today. I don’t know. Nobody knows. Rather than living in fear of this. We should embrace the fact that this life is short and unpredictable. Knowing this we must live fully today, so you can give you all today. To give you very best today in everything you do, to give you a great energy to your family, friends or everyone you encounter today.
It’s a reminder to live your best self in each moment. What can do you that will leave a last thing with positive memories in life of everyone you come in to contact with. Knowing In the end whatever you have material speaking, none of this stuff matters, the only thing that ever matters is how you make other feels. And how you felt in your own heart. It’s knowing that things will never go with you in the end. The things they die with your physical body but the spirit lives on. It’s a great reminder that we can have in daily life and help on to focus what is important and what is real.
There is nothing you can’t do, be or have. If there had been someone has done it before that means ” You can too “ It doesn’t mean it will be easy but it’s means it is possible. So you can work towards it or you could make a plan to achieve it. State the word “ I am possible “
Nothing is worth it if it doesn’t make you happy or make you better. Ask yourself will this sacrifice I’m making lead to more happiness in a long term. For everything you do or whatever you’re fighting for in that moment or in your life. Ask questions does this make me Happy ? If not you should let it go.
#Affirmation of the day #fearless soul #Positivity #Love #Gratitude #Meditation #Ganges River

Be yourself always
The only way you can live happy or success in this life is ” Be You “ it’s the most important things that we could apply in our life. You will never be happy if you are constantly doing things to please other, compete with other or be like another. You are unique and that is your greatest gift. Follow your own path. Compare yourself to no one, compete with no other . Make your own decisions and it will lead to your greatest life.
Everything you need in this life is already within you. In this world everything will never complete you. Some people are so successful, material speaking but they are empty inside. Needing nothing attract everything. Real happiness is never found outside of us. It’s not found in possession or wealth. Happiness is only and always found within us. It’s state of mind. Happiness is the highest level of success. Do what feels right, the rest will follow.
There is no room for toxic people but there is never ending space for positive energy and positive people. Surrounding yourself with energy killer is one of the worst things you can do if you want to live happy fulfill or successful life. Unfortunately not everyone including family and friends will share the same positive energy you have. Some will take awhile. Some might never get there. Let them run their own race. But you focus living your own happiness. Those who love you will never hold you back from living the life you want to have. Don’t try to fit in with other. Shine bright.
Focus on the good in your life. We choose our own reality in each moment of our life. Life is against you or make you stronger. It could be a failure or a lesson. Whatever you focus on in this life you will find. if you look for the hate, the negative you will find it But if you focus on the good and make your intentions on the good you will find only the good. Whatever meaning you give your life become your life. Be grateful for what you do have. Practice to see the good in your life and another. Think the best, expect the best and always ask yourself how will this benefit my life? Leave who you were, Love who you are and Look forward to who you will become
#Be yourself #Love and accept #Gratitude #Peaceful life #Mindfulness journey #The Parinirvana Stupa.

Do what make you happy!
If you should live by one simple principle in life “Do what make you happy” Because in finding doing what make you happy. You will attract more things to be happy about. The positive energy you put out of doing the things that make you happy attract more positive energy back to you. So Eliminate things or what makes you unhappy, anything that give you negative feeling. And replace those things that make you feel alive, joyful, abundance, happy and free.
Do things to be or do to bring more happiness into your life. Dive in each part so you can apply into your daily life. Spend time with who are good for your mental health : Be picky with who you choose to spend your time with. You can’t get that time back and waste that time for worsted money. The people that you should spend time with should be reducing stress Not causing more of it. The people in your life should be a sauce of happiness Not a vacuum that suck it out of you. Don’t let anyone drain your happiness.
Choose those who fill you up, Those who light you up, those with positive energy. If you can’t find them in person immediately, find them in book or podcast or in self development video. Grow yourself and Make yourself with the positive energy , Become the person that you want most in your life. Live that energy and the right people with the same positive energy will show up in your life.
Choose to see the good, the lesson or the blessing in everything : Not because everything is only good but that is what you choose to focus on. By focusing on it you will attract more good. It doesn’t mean you walk and blind in the sands. It means you don’t give your Vidal or energy to negative around. But instead, choose and focus on and look for the positive in every situation. It doesn’t take much common sense that life is better this way. Whatever you choose to focus on, you will see more of it SO focus on the GOOD.
#Be happy #Be grateful #Love life #Choose peace above everything #India

Live your way
Follow into your inter-vision and not guilty for doing things your way. Do it your way, this is your life. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for being you, for living your way. Don’t allow yourself to take those feeling of guilt. Whatever the case to be the best version of you, can only come out when do what is best for you. The best path that you want to follow in your life. What is best for you it will lead to be best for other too.
Take care of yourself, your physical, mental and spiritual health : Eat well, read positive and trans-formative books, study yourself, develop yourself. Go deeper, transform further. You are your greatest investment so Invest your greatest effort in you so you are rewarded with the greatest pay off. A pay off that will benefits your life and to those who love you as well. Strong mind, strong body and strong spirit, strong life.
Believe, trust and let go : Decide what you want, believe you will get with every fibers of being, live it as you already have it. Feel it to be yours and it’s soon will be. When you live in complete with none attachment, not needing it to be but feel it as if you already have it. While living incomplete rather just you do have, things will just attract it to you like a magnet. Life is abundant when you believe. Trust and Let go. No exceptions. If it comes – great, if it doesn’t- great. Either way you are blessed, content, and happy. That is how you live a truly happy magical life.
#Spiritual journey #Happy life #Peace and Love #Wisdom #Meditation practice #India

Love Life and Life will Love You Back!
The power of human life. If we understand and know how great we can be then your life will be whatever you want it to be. But if we don’t understand it would make it harder to live life. Many people may know what is best for you? how anyone else know what is best for you ? Including your parents, your friends or anyone around you….No one, except you…..Only you know what is best for you. Always be gracious enough to other’s people opinion. But be strong enough to know they are just opinion…..you decide what is your truth. How ? because you will feel it in your heart. That is called “Intuition” They never lie.
Always know the right path to choose. Just make sure you get still, quiet and listen. You can’t hear your intuition when it’s clouded by noise. When life is loud and the noise is surround. Take a moment, be alone and be still. You will hear the answer. You will hear the truth. Some may said it’s selfish do what is best for you. You will soon learn that is not true. What is best for you is always what is best for others. Especially those who don’t understand what is best for them.
Don’t be a people pleasure, you will end up pleasing no one. Do your best in everything you do. Learn all you can. Grow all you can. And know it doesn’t matter your education or qualification. It matters your will. Do what is right NOT what is easy. The easy option almost always lead to a hard life. Use the power and the gift you have that is how you can control your thoughts. The gifts of knowing that you can have, be or do anything you want in this world.
There are no limits to what you can achieve. Feel the truth in that with all your heart. You can change the world for the better. You will attract what is in your life if you believe you deserve. Be the best vision of “YOU” even we have to work hard to work things happen, go through up and down or learn the hard way. Life will challenge you, life will test you. But knows always there are no mistakes. know that at the toughest moment we have a opportunity to grow.
#Life is a journey #Peaceful journey #Be happy and grateful #Mindfulness #Mahabodhi Temple

Life is miracle
Learning and knowing that deep down people are good, have compassion for other. Knowing that you are blessed. Knowing the great power on earth is “gratitude” if you are grateful for every day for what you do have you will soon have more to be grateful for. Have a strong mind and Unbreakable spirit. Nothing can ever defeat you. Even sometime life isn’t fair. Sometime things happen that no one could explain or justify. But know that most human are mostly good.
Life is a miracle, you are a miracle. Learn how you came Into this world and humans life is a miracle. To know you are here for a purpose. This world is an amazing place and every day is a new opportunity to create happiness for yourself and people around you. Life is short! Embrace yourself to live life and be the best version of yourself. Knowing you are kind. Be kind to yourself and others.
The past is gone and the future is not guaranteed and the “NOW” is where you always be. Be present, Be happy. Do what makes you happy. Spend time with who makes you smile, do more what makes you happy. And life will deliver more to be happy about. Live the life you love and Love the life you live. With Love and positivity.
#Life is a miracle #Love life #Mindfulness journey #Happy peaceful life #India