Be Mindful
Every morning when we wake up, we can breath in with awareness and get in touch with the wonderful of life. Nourishing things that bring healing, joy, and happiness. The first benefits of mindfulness are joy and happiness. The peace we achieve by breathing attentive can benefit not only the body but also our feelings and perceptions.
Mindfulness helps us get in touch with what’s going on in our body, We make them objects of our meditation. To find my new normal activity in every day life as I am growing up and want to be improving myself to be better than I was yesterday and be the best version of myself : As the situation of the world is bad right now, the problem of covid -19 making the economy become crisis, and that also causing the problem of mental health of the people around the world.
We have to find the new way to live life, new activity in daily life, creating new habit such as learning of the way to be mindfulness and meditation so we can live life fully as a present. This will help us to calm the mind not to be so worry about the past and the future.
To discover myself how can I do to find peace within myself and share the peaceful energy into this world. Whether you are walking or sitting, the first thing to do for fully-body meditation is to bring peace to your body, and your emotions. Bring your attention to your in-breath and out-breath. Your breathing may become peaceful in no time at all. It’s important not to force your breathing. When your breath has become more peaceful, harmonious, and pleasant, you begin to enjoy breathing in and breathing out, and to benefit from the harmony and peace brought to you by practice.
To train my mind, my thought to see the good in everything so I could be happy in my heart, feel joyful, and love my life : Practicing mindfulness in the daily life to be positive as much as possible : When you practice mindfulness in your daily life, you can always have happiness. You lay down, you can be happy or when you are drinking, cleaning, cooking, or washing clothes these are all sources of happiness. When you are fully present and you look at things more deeply, you can enjoy everything.
To lift myself up, giving myself a courage and help to lift other people up as well : With great compassion in you, you have the capacity to act with courage. You have enough courage to cut through habits in craving, anger, and so on. If you don’t have enough compassion for yourself and others, you won’t have the courage you need to cut off the afflictions that been been making you suffer.

Be Respectful
No matter where I am in my life I am exactly where I need to be, be thankful with everything and everyone who came into my life. I will love and accept myself more each day so I have no room for hate. Because Love is the most powerful force on earth that will heal us from within. Starting from love yourself and you can also share love with others.
Accept every situation in my life as a present where I am in my life right now such as to live my life at home with my family, be healthy and be happy : Be present and live life in the Here and Now. Try to Not worry about the past because it’s already gone and don’t worry about the future because it’s not happen yet. Learn to be more mindful and do more of meditation ( sitting meditation, walking meditation ) to bring the mind back to the body as much as possible.
Learn to respect myself and others more so I can have a better quality of life, a happy peaceful life : As we are not alone in the society or in this world so we have to learn to pay respect to others as well starting from people in the family, work place and also the people who teach or guide us to be a better person such as the monk or nun who teach a meditation and mindfulness etc.

Be The Best Version Of Yourself
The purpose of being a human is to love and to be loved, To have a Happy and Peaceful life, I am so grateful for everything in my life right now. I believe that no matter where you are in your life, you are exactly where you need to be. Everything happen in your life for a reason. Whatever or Whoever came in to my life either for a lesson or a blessing. I choose to look in a positive way how to live my life and I love to be happy as much as I could every day, making every moment count. However, There are some things in my life that I would love to do more, to learn more and to focus on.
Live fully, Be present in the Here and the Now : How are we living life these day ? Are we making most of our days ? What are we here to realize or to accomplish? Later we may look back and wonder, “What have I done with my life ?” Time goes by quickly. Death comes unexpectedly. How can we bargain with it ? To wait until tomorrow is too late. We all want to live deeply so our lives are not wasted and when death comes we won’t have any regrets. When we are fully established in the present moment, we know that we are alive, and that’s a miracle to be alive. The past has gone, and the future has not arrived yet. This is the only moment where we can be alive, and we have it. “We have to make this present moment into the most wonderful moment of our life.”
To have Love, peace and well being : The art of happiness is the art of living deeply in the present moment. The here and now is the only time and place where life is available and where we can find everything we are looking for. Happiness is a habit. It’s a training. With mindfulness, concentration, and insight, we can free ourselves from feeling of restlessness and craving, and realize that, right now, we already have more than enough conditions to be happy. Practicing mindful breathing and coming back to ourselves to take care of our body throughout the day, we can free ourselves from regrets about the past and worries about the future, and live deeply every moment, getting in touch with the wondrous, refreshing, and healing elements that are available inside and around us.
Practicing Mindfulness of death : Mother of all mindfulness practices is perhaps the “mindfulness of death” by constantly be mindful of our own impending death, we start seeing things in perspective. Try making it a habit to be mindful of your own death every morning. Try doing so again during the day. Make sure you are prepared for death before bed time. The surprising result ? The quality of your living would enormously improve. You would not believe how much joy and gratefulness you would have everyday. You would start doing only the meaningful things, the things that truly matters. You would start understanding your life’s purpose. Rather than letting death bring us fear, let it bring us “The Enlightenment “

Be Powerful
It is about exploring a different variation of balance, knowing to control, train the energy, thought and emotion or feeling so that i could combine them together as one with Love and Positivity, I believe that each everyone of us is powerful. We have the power that give us strength to speak to our self but sometime we have to find the way to control with them. I have to hold it together for myself so that we could be more stronger within my mind, heart, and soul.
Connect with fire energy of my inner heart and soul. The power that each everyone of us has. I believe it’s called “authentic power” that Oprah Winfrey also mention that is your power that will help us to find who we really are. To be able to find our self deeper. We have to use 3 different power and energy within us. It will help us to connect with the true authentic feeling and energy deep inside you which is Heart, Body and Soul. So we have to connect with their energy which is The power of Positivity, The Power of Love, The power of our soul.
Positivity give us a lot of opportunity. It’s one of the most important things for us to live life with a positive thought. Great health and energy will help us to be able to do many wonderful things in a different opportunity of our life that we want to do. If you have a bad health and negative energy. It will be a problem for you to live life. The negative energy stop us from having emotion for doing so many activity for example anger, sadness, stress will cause us a negative energy, thoughts and might lead us to do so many crazy things that make us not happy.
The power of Positivity give us energy that stay inside. It helps us to think positive and help us to control with the power of our mind to be free and finally we could connect deeper to our heart and soul. The Power of Love give us an opportunity to Love our self and we could also share love to other as well. We could do many things that make us happy The power of our Soul. It comes from deep inside your heart and soul when you connect with our self deeper for example Yoga and meditation to give us Love and care for our body and mind. It also helps us to have a peaceful mind, positive thoughts, great health and energy which will lead us to have a quality, happy life.

Be Present
Why do we care about bringing body and mind together ? Much of our suffering come from an unnecessary division of mind versus matter. The way we’re carrying on making many of us sick. We’re sick in our mind and in our bodies. Our planet is sick as well. However Once we have come home to ourselves, we can be fully present for ourselves, fully present for others, and fully present for the planets. I will always train myself to be positive as much as possible.
Life is better when you think positive. Not because everything is good but there is good in everything. Training and practicing more of exercises, affirmation and meditation in the morning to start my day welcoming positive energy and in the evening to have peaceful energy at the end of my day. Because energy doesn’t discriminated. From myself to see the world positively however the people that come into my life should make me feel happy and positive around me too with respectfully.
More Practice daily of praying in the morning and in the evening : To pay respect to the Buddha for teaching and guiding me to live life fully with love, be present with more mindfulness which is very important for me now to practice more mindfulness meditation every day or as much as I could.
Finding The balance of confidence, and strength within our body and being! Throughout every day life as there are many circumstances and situations that may leave us feeling lost, unsettled. And even deeply feeling anxious through our self. When we become overwhelmed with this type of energy, we become restless and even frustrated to the fact that we are unable to ground our self, still the body and mind. It’s a normal reaction and I’m sure every single one of us has experience this type of energy & emotion of stress at some point in our life.
It’s important to be conscious and fully aware that this emotion arise, so that we can learn to train our mind to deal with them in a peaceful and healthy matters. We can not control what life presents us with. However what we do have is how we react to those situations. There is no point to allow the negative situations to effect our physical and mental being. With time there will always be some kind of solution to a problems. But if we allow them to effect us in a deeper energetic way. They will hurt our health and mental being.
Trust that you are guided and divided with the energy of love and everything that come your way good or bad it’s just part of the extortionately journey of life. So Breath, Smile. Be Happy with your simply with kindness s Beautiful, Peaceful Life, Everything will be O.K at the end. And if it’s not O.K it’s not the end.

Be Free from all “Suffering”
These days people tend to think of happiness in terms of having plenty of fame, power, wealth, and sensual pleasures. But we know that craving these objects can bring a lot of suffering so we need to have a very different understanding of happiness. If we cultivate peace in ourselves, then clarify, compassion, and courage will come.
I believe each everyone of us is powerful. To be able to live a happy life. I must also learn to let go of the fear because you see and understand everything with wisdom, let go of doubt because you are guided, let go of the pain because of you are protected.
Love and joyful energy : Love is the most powerful force on earth that make us feel alive and also when you love yourself you want to have the feeling of joyful and fun so you aren’t bored of living daily life. Love will lead you to be happy with yourself and you could share love to help others to feel love as well by doing things such as sharing or posting the loving and kind messages to others as well.
Positive energy : Before starting my day I like to welcome positive energy by doing a sitting meditation or walking meditation, listening to the to positive affirmations, getting some exercise. I believe everything is possible when you think positive. Positive energy will give you courage to live life and enjoy life and do so many things to be happy about.
Peaceful energy : By practicing of breathing. The first thing we need to do is to help our breathing become more peaceful and calm. With the intervention of mindfulness. The practice of harmonizing body and mind brings more peace, clarity, compassion, and courage into our daily lives. With these four qualities, we can have enough happiness to be able to to help others.